A Medium communicates with the world of spirit. Most of our relatives and friends that have passed away are still close by. Have you had the experience of a loved one making themselves known? The sudden smell of a pipe or the auroma of the snickerdoodles Grandma used to bake. It was probably a message, someone letting you know they still check in on us once in a while.
Judith and Kathy have studied mediumship for over ten years, and would be honored to help you connect with your spirit people.
We do private readings in our historic Galena homes, or by phone.
We are also available for parties.
Mediumship readings are $65 for 30 minute reading, includes a cd recording of the session for a phone reading or a reading in our home
Family readings available for up to six family members $150 for 30 minutes $300 for an hour
call Kathy 815-275-0851 or Judith 815-541-1736